If you have been online searching for a faxless payday loan, an advance til your next paycheck, You know how crazy the competition for your business is. Website after website, one after another, all offering you a faxless, no credit check solution to getting you a loan instantly. So what do you do? Just pick a random site? I mean they all look basically the same right? How do you know which site to go with? Aren't you in a hurry? don't you need money fast? Do you have time to swift through every website reading the fine print?
The goal of this article is to point out 5 critical things to look for, to help you avoid a potential scam and unneeded fees when your searching for a faxless payday loan.
1. If you are filling out a lot of applications trying to find one to approve you, Stop! Many of these websites charge for the application process. Remember they now have your bank info regardless whether they approve you.
2. A simple way to stay safe is to look for the CFSA logo. The CFSA is a payday loan regulatory service that monitors payday lenders to help you stay safe.
3. Look on the homepage for a disclaimer that reads " The owner of this website is not a lender". Borrowing by means of a third party is fine as long as you know who the business is pitching your application too, but if they don't tell you up front you could be giving your info to anyone, including an overseas bank. At the least you may end up joining a half dozen "Free Trials" that will be happy to charge you when the trial is over.
4. Look for a physical address on the contact page. A legitimate lender is happy to disclose all their contact information up front.
5. Pay on Time. It is no accident that Faxless Payday Loan Lenders target low income individuals and neighborhoods. Why? Because 90% of their income comes from late fees and penalties. If you absolutely need a loan til payday, make sure you account for the missing income on your next check. Don't become a casualty in the loan game.
There's already enough stress on your life. If your having to use a Faxless Loan Payday lender, keep these 5 basics in mind.
Aff4.com is a website that will help you cut through the morass of Payday lenders and lead you to proven safe lenders that can help you out of your crunch. A Faxless Loan Payday without the threat of being scammed.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Reed
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